You’re Invited!

Below you’ll find a link to our RSVP, and some information about the venue and event. We look forward to seeing you in November!

The Venue

Our wedding will take place at the French-Galvan House in Corpus Christi. The house is the restored home of Civil Engineer Asa Milton French and his wife Frances Garrett French. Construction on the home began in 1907, with careful selection by French of every last board and nail. French had a vision of creating the perfect home for his family, and providing a place where they could host parties, spend time together and plan for the future.

The house was sold to Rafael Galvan, founder of LULAC and the first Mexican-American police officer in Corpus Christi. Galvan and French were both significant figures in the Corpus Christi area, and thus the French-Galvan house has been preserved for visitors to appreciate the architecture and attention to detail.

This same attention to detail is one both Bergé and I do our best to replicate. We try to carefully select every board we build our future on to make it worthy of historical status someday. We are very excited to take this step together and we very much look forward to seeing you in November.

On The Day

Our ceremony will begin at 4:30pm, November 16th 2024. That said, don’t feel bad about being a couple of minutes late, we probably will be too.

We don’t have a dress code, but we ask that everyone dress comfortably. Below is a chart of the last 15 years of weather data for this day… just kidding. But that would be an interesting graph.

1580 N Mesquite St
Corpus Christi, TX 78401